Call for Posters

Important Dates


We are pleased to announce that the 14th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2019) now opens a call for POSTERS that focus on relevant topic to the conference. You can present ongoing study and research project. The poster session will be in the conference program and if accepted at least one of the authors are to present your poster at the poster session.

Posters should be clearly explaining the contents of your study. Usage of diagrams is recommended rather than just having text based descriptions. The size of the posters should be A0 size space (118.9 cm (height) and 84.1 cm (width), or 46.8 in (height) and 33.1 in (width)), and may consist of a single printed poster or separate pieces. Poster presenters should bring their own poster to the conference venue on the poster presentation date. Poster boards and pushpins will be provided by the conference.

Publication Policy for Posters

The poster presentations are not rigorously refereed but the posters out of the scope of the conference may be turned down by the poster committee.

The copyrights of any content of the poster presentations are retained by the authors; the presentation of a poster to AsiaJCIS 2019 does not prevent its submission to other journals/conferences.

Instructions for Authors

In order to present a poster, authors must email the following information to asiajcis2019poster[at] by July 1st, 2019:

At least one author is required to register with the workshop and present the poster. Therefore, please make registration as early as possible.


Submissions and presentations must be in English.

Best Poster Awards

We will select the best poster(s) and announce them during the conference or the banquet.